Own and operate an exempted 1000MW electricity interconnector through the Channel Tunnel
Deliver a net social benefit of ~€640m over the life of the interconnector
Achieve cross-border flows with low environmental impact resulting from the use of zero overhead lines or undersea cables.
1000MW of merchant interconnector capacity. A safe system based on proven technology
Improve security of supply
Enable higher levels of renewables and meet the challenge of intermittency
Avoid significant costs of building new peaking generation capacity
Contribute to decarbonisation reduction of ~6.1m tonnes
Enable energy market reform and more competitive energy pricing
+/- ~320kV DC scheme to allow a transmission of 1000MW with low losses
Potential to provide black start capability; frequency response and cross-border balancing services
HVDC system using symmetrical monopole convertors and land-based cables
Proposed convertor technology based on voltage source convertors (VSC) to provide connections to XLPE cable
Low visual impact – small footprint
Low noise
Negligible magnetic fields
No overhead lines
No undersea cables
ElecLink’s route mirrors closely that of the existing IFA interconnector
Total cable length of 51 km inside the Channel Tunnel
14.5 km to tie up with National Grid’s Sellindge 400kV substation
3.5 km to tie up with RTE’s Les Mandarins 400kV poste
ElecLink is designed to achieve the highest possible safety, health and environmental standards and has implemented its actions fully in compliance with Eurotunnel’s existing framework, regulations and policies
ElecLink utilises proven HVDC technology for its convertor stations and cables. ElecLink has developed a comprehensive Safety Case for the operation and maintenance phases of the asset’s life